Not a Journey — A Fantastic Voyage

Dean Fiala
1 min readMar 6, 2022


“It’s part of your journey.”

“Journey? I’m on a fantastic voyage. Journeys are for suckers.”

Photo by John Fowler on Unsplash

She laughed, “that’s funny.”

“I’m serious. Everyone else is slogging through a journey, why would I want to do that? Journeys are full of setbacks and disappointments. Now a voyage, that’s excitement and adventure, endless horizons and breathtaking vistas, unique days and unforgettable nights. It’s cruising under the northern lights, exploring a forgotten castle on a Scottish isle, swinging with the lemurs in Madagascar, eating roasted guinea pig on the steps of Machu Picchu.

“I’m not settling for mundane, the ordinary, the safe path through life. A journey is a walk. A voyage is a run, a dive, a flight, a trip to the stars. It’s not something to be endured. It’s something to be celebrated, every moment. It is — in a word — fantastic.”

“That’s beautiful.”

“Here’s your half-caf mocha.” He placed the cup on the counter, and started cleaning the milk steamer.

“Oh, I didn’t want whipped cream.”

“Sorry, it’s part of your journey.”

